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RE: l hate rear disc brakes (AAAarghhhhhhh)
---Neal Tovsen <ntovsen@piper.hamline.edu> wrote:
> I got new (remanufactured) calipers for the car that toasted the caliper,
> and the e-brake moves fine, but doesn't hold the car at all. It's barely
> noticible, as the car still rolls very easily even when I pull the brake up
> pretty hard.
Some of the remans I've used have acted the same (I assume the cables are
adjusted properly). I returned them and to get ones that actually worked.
> I like my rear discs, but unless someone has any bright ideas, I think I'm
> gonna give up on the e-brake completely. Kinda annoying, really.
I've gone through the exact same things, it's the little odd shaped cam
inside the caliper that pushes on the piston to activate the brake..it
wears down and doesn't push anymore. Replacement parts are very difficult
to come by apparently.
> Here's one for the academics: Was the Scirocco VW's first attempt at rear
> discs? It would make sense, since there's an obvious design flaw here!
As far as I know, yes. For VW in the US, the Scirocco was the first with
the Fuba, the first with 10.1 inch front rotors, the first with the rear
discs, and finally, the first with the 16v engine. So don't let any 1987
16v GTI loving individual give you any crap about being first with anything.
> Neal
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