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Re: Whats the correct spark plug gap? 8V
A1SCIROCCO@aol.com wrote:
> I just bought some new plugs but before i put them in i was wondering what
> the correct gap is? I have been gapping the plugs at .028''. Should i
> increase the gap at all now that i have modified the engine?
> Thanks, Matt
> 84 8v
Man, you are lucky to have an '84, and an 8 valve at that, cuz' I got
the Red Bentley. WooHoo! ( Did they even make 16vs in '84? Who cares
anyway? :P )
I'm looking in my Bentley for that era and it says:
Spark Plug Gap:
0.70mm +/- 0.1mm (.028 in. +/- .004 in.)
There's a _whole_ bunch of recommended sparkplug types but it depends so
much on what country, smog equip., engine size, etc. you have I won't
post it all. Anybody contact me directly if you're curious.
As to your modified engine, I wasn't there when you did it. WHat mods
have you done? Not all of them will affect the type of plug you'd
My own experience with plugs is to choose the closest thing to stock,
and by that I mean reliable, and then adjust the temp. rating to suit
your conditions.
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