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Re: rocco vs. girlfriend
I think Nate's got a good point.
Think of girls (or men, depending on your
preference(s)) as accessories for your Rocco.
Just remeber they don't come with a warrenty
and they can expire at any date, pay careful
attention to the fine print and avoid high
mentenance accessories -they take time and
money away from your `roc.
--- VWN8@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 4/7/99 06:18:58, sjmill@erols.com
> writes:
> <<well after arguing till iwas blue in the screen
> with you guys
> ,,,i geton thephone to callmy girl and
> sheanswers.."what are you
> doingtoday? " mytypicalanswer "goingto the shop
> ot work on my car".
> didnt we havew plans together i said yes but you
> want meto get this
> done so i canspend moretimewith you her reply
> Yes.....so the
> arguing started ther allabout the fact thatmy
> rocco(whichhasnotseen
> thteroad in months) istaking allmy time...and the
> factthati canonly
> maketwo hours toseeher...so afterabout2 hours of
> arguing theophter
> night i finallytold her
> "Hunney my rocco is very important to me right
> now just as you are
> ....but ineed to g et it done please be
> understanding..wellguess
> what guys.....she id notunderstand so it was her
> or the carand the
> car iam still working on and her,iam supposed to
> call after iafter the
> car is done but after all this grief i dont wanna
> tak to her and she
> ISN'T talking to me all because of a little thing
> called a 16v scirocco
> i just wanted to share all the shit that i get have
> a good day
> yup you guess it the rocco won
> jonas>>
> relly sorry man. . . . . but you did the right
> thing. However, if you can
> find a way to gat laid (w/o paying for it) AND own a
> Scirocco, that might be
> a little more ideal.
> =-)
> Nate
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