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Re: Who's going to waterfest?
I missed it last year because my tranny blew. I WILL be there this year.
Hope to see a lot of listers there.
Rich Deede
University Of Delaware (Communications)
1988 Scirocco 2.0 16v
1987 Scirocco 16v - R.I.P.
On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Brett Van Sprewenburg wrote:
> >Now that my car is basically done i think i'll take it to waterfest. Who on
> >the list is going this year? If you went last year how far in advance did
> >you have to book a room at the hotel?
> >
> >
> >Matt
> I'll be there again, from Saturday until probably Monday (so I don't
> have to drive after the show). Check out last years pics/report on
> scirocco.org under the mailing list section. Also check out
> www.rapidparts.com, as they host the show. I made reservations last
> year in Feburary, but they haven't released the info on the which
> hotel will be the 'host' hotel. The show is really pretty good, Rapid
> charges too much, the people are great, the cars are pretty good, the
> hotel scene the night before is a blast. If you can, go. The more
> scirocco list members, the better. We had a really good time last
> year. Make sure you're showing off your www.scirocco.org stickers so
> we know who you are. :)
> ==Brett
> \/ '84 Scirocco (ITB racer 2B) | "Hot VW's, take two home. They're small"
> \/\/ '88 Scirocco 16v (Show), '85 Scirocco (Winter) | - brett@netacc.net
> --
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