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Re: Who's going to waterfest?
July 25th, at Montclair University. Hope I get to go.
Paul Maione wrote:
> > Now that my car is basically done i think i'll take
> > it to waterfest. Who on
> > the list is going this year? If you went last year
> > how far in advance did
> > you have to book a room at the hotel?
> When is Waterfest anyways??????
> Thanks!
> ===
> Paul Maione (Rump Rocker)
> Scirocco 86' 8v (Ready to Roll :)
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/9149/
> E-Mail - mmaion@po-pox.mcgill.ca
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Jim Buck,
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1987 Scirocco 16v "lil 109"
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