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Re: ROARING SCirocco !!!!!
'82 Scirocco, 5 speed, air conditioning, etc....
I have an '82 Scirocco which came back from the mechanic a while back
sounding like a
frieght train when it's cold or when you first start it....
scared the shit out of me when I first heard it, and then the mechanic
actually said that that
was the way the car was supposed to sound when it is cold....
it actually revs up to about 2500 rpms and sits there for 10 - 15 minutes
the only thing that was replaced was the "Air bypass Valve" .....and again -
according to the
I looked at it and couldn't find an adjustment screw or anything,
especially since I know
that car never sounded that way since I've had it....
The Mechanics name and address is available for those interested....
| Etop Udoh | Southern Polytechnic State University [89-##] |
| P.O. Box 4234 | Http://s_druid.home.mindspring.com |
| Marietta, Ga 30061 | s_druid@mindspring.com |
| "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most" |
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