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Re: The Project
---Rich Deede <rdeed@UDel.Edu> wrote:
> The question is, will it all be ready in time for cincy? I hope so.
> Rich Deede
That's the plan, my man. I do something for "The Project" every day...like
today I picked up distilled water for the fresh coolent, I'll be
putting another coat of paint on the rear axle beam tonight, and I'm going
to be picking up some new power steering fluid. I have resigned myself
that I'm going to have to unhook the pump and lines...I got the engine/tranny
out of the car without disconnecting the PS pump/lines...don't ask how, I'm
a magician. :) Look how the lines go over the transmission and you'll see
what I mean. Plus I want to sandblast and paint the rest of the PS
brackets...this is (hopefully!) going to be one sweet looking _and_
powerful engine! I'm doing my best. Next year is more paint and body work.
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