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Re: Skin Cancer (long)
--- Christopher Grossi <cgrossi@dwc.edu> wrote:
> What about the VW maroon color that was used on my 85 8v? It's metallic
> and much like was stated has some spots that need to be touched up before
then become big spots. Does the spray paint show up on these badly?
Touch-up paint, regardless of how it is applied, is nearly impossible to match
- it's much easier on flat, light colors such as white or beige. When talking
about metallics, it's even more difficult because of the metal flakes in the
paint itself.
Touch-up paint is NEW, the paint on your car is, in your case, 14 years old
and, regardless of your care for the car, faded. Therefore, in order to match
the color correctly, a paint shop would have to custom match the paint on your
car AND the paint would still age at different rates. What makes metallics
worse is that the metal flakes have a certain alignment when the paint is laid
(applied) on your car. Even if you applied the touch-up paint in the roughly
the same direction as the original, the angle and distance of the applicator
as well as the velocity of the paint will result in a different finish -
To check this out in real life, take a look at a car that's been hit and
repaired a few years ago - the best examples that come to mind are cheap
japaneese cars (Honda, Toyota), preferably in medium silver or steel blue. It
should be apparent which portions of the car have been repaired and which
portions are OE. Once you see that, try picturing that some contrast on just
a spot - get my drift?
Matthew Yip
'87 GTi 0v
'88 M5
'99 F350
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