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Re: Jonas & his Keyboard
Matthew Yip wrote:
> OK folks - I've been watching everyone bitch and moan about Jonas's keyboard
> for 3-4 days now. If we (collectively) are that pissed off by it AND, as
> evidenced by the messages, they're so damn cheap - why don't we all chip in
> $1-$2, send it to Jonas and have him buy a new keyboard? Hell, I might be
> able to purloin one from the office.
> Talk about "can't see the forest for the trees".
> ===
> Matthew Yip
Good looking out, Note his "last until fixed" quoted message below- He
seems to have an answer in the pipe.
Can we all just drop this thing?
> may be i did jump off the deependa little but let us all admitthat igot
> jumped onto...i am ....dorry .....for....the....numerous amounts of mail
> that gets out withpout spacesbuti am doing my best....now...to
> try.....and insert...things... yo seperate....t.he ...words i should
> berecievinga keyboardfrom one of the graciuos...list... members..i
> do...apoligise...but i think it was worth the time...to...wrote
> one...last...post..i ...will....not...post....until then hopeyou guys
> dont miss..me.. tomuch. untill. then...later.....all
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