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Re: quit the kb bashing crap!
Kool, I'll keep you mind when I need Parts. :)
But really, I think this whole thing has run it's course and we can get
back to Scirocco type subjects again.
J-man will have gotten this taken care of in no time.
Mike wrote:
> I will give you 40,000 anytime ya want for $2 each you tell me where to ship
> em..
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ryan Schuermann <rts@nol.net>
> To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 1999 9:38 PM
> Subject: quit the kb bashing crap!
> > come on folks, give it up! quit bitching at the guy just because his
> > spacebar tweakes out..I mean it's not like his caps lock is broken,
> > or hes shouting vile cuss words like some of you neanderthols. If you
> > don't like this typing, don't read his posts. If you can wallow
> > though my mispellings and dyslexic words I usually ramble out because
> > I think faster than I type then a few missing spaces should be no
> > sweat..or is it that people on this list are so mentally challeneged
> > that it gives em headaches reading e-mails with missing spaces?
> >
> > and please show me a KB for 5-10$..cheapest wholesale I can get a
> > 'decent' keyboard is like 12$ ..25$ for a really good quality one.
> > Maybe the guy wants to eat lunch instead of please you with spaces,
> > shit not all rocco owners may be overflowing with spare cash.
> >
> > give it a rest..whe'res the damn moderator when you need him.
> > Ryan
> >
> > --
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