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My Own Server & Happy Easter!
Hey all,
Happy Easter!
And to all who don't know, I now have my own server up...
http://bork.hampshire.edu. It's not up 100% of the time - I'd say maybe
88% of the time or something, until I know more about Linux. It's a
difficult area of knowledge to break into, seemingly, but I'm gettting
there : )
So the point of this is, check it out! Ever wondered what kind of
music my brother and I do? Check out my music page and download some
MP3's of us!
Need webspace for 'roc/VW-related stuff? (Or even something else
that you think I might be interested in supporting, for some reason).
Email me and if I think your project is worthy (my standards aren't
REALLY high), I'll set you up with an account on bork.
So I'm psyched... it's nice to not have to rely on anyone else to
keep a server up. But now I see why it's so complicated... heh.
later, all!
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