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Re: Crankshaft problems.
On Fri, 02 Apr 1999 23:53:39 -0500 Tyler Chamberlain <x-frog@home.com>
>Also, it is a little tricky to get into first gear unless the car is
>practically stopped, could this be a problem with the clutch cable? or
>shift bushings?
>Thanks for the help...
> Tyler
It would be hard to say without looking at the car but its definitely
possible if your shifter bushings were in disrepair.
As a rule, most VW trannies don't like to downshift into 1st. Both of
mine do but That's probably because I do it all the time and the syncro's
are in a stage where they will allow me to do it without any problems.
First few times they protested. Now they obey happily.
Either way, you should take a look at he condition of your shifter
bushings. Just the feeling of having all new bushings (and shifter pieces
if needed) transforms an ordinary VW into a fun driver for less than $20.
It really gives the feeling of a new car, oddly enough. Too bad it wont
ever smell like a new car again but hey. Whatever.
I just completely rebuild a local chicks shifter system in her 82 Roc
which had about a foot of fore and aft play (before the car even shifted
gears.) when I started. The fact it had NO bushings had a little to do
with it and when I was done, it felt almost as tight as mine does. YMMV.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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