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Re: Swapping Clusters - was: Jonas
I'm thinking you'll be OK.
I have 2 'roccos. When I get my hands on a bunnytruck and a rabbit GTI,
THEN I'll be doing OK. ;-)
Situation normal. Panic accordingly.
> From: T Berk <tberk@mindspring.com>
> To: Zach Vrooman <zach@discover-net.net>
> Cc: scirocco mail list <scirocco-L@scirocco.org>; John Van Vuren
> Subject: Re: Swapping Clusters - was: Jonas
> Date: Saturday, April 03, 1999 5:11 PM
> Zach Vrooman wrote:
> >
> > -snip-
> > .
> > BTW, my new 'rocc has a FUBAR Milemaster(or whatever) gauge cluster. I
> > happen to have a VDO in my parts pile. Will the VDO just plug in in
> > of the FUBAR'ed one?
> >
> > Zach
> > http://www.discover-net.net/~zach/index.html
> > "Wow, that blew up something fierce, huh?" "Ayup."
> >
> >From what I understand it will plug right in. Brand of OEM is not so
> much the problem as crossing great divides of years and models.
> hth,
> TBerk
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