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Re: quit the kb bashing crap!
thank you sooooo m uch for sicking up for me at least someone out ther
understands my plight.......iu am struggling to get the car ready for
cinci no the computer so please again bear withme till we get to cinci
someone i think is bringing the keyboard i won withthe crackpipe adn
toaster but i will see you guys there and after the car is all done
then i will incvest ain a new keyboard or have one by the end of he trip
thanks to all those that are understanding of my dislexiya and other
thanks in advance and thanks to those understanding
jonas "keyboard killer" MIller
Ryan Schuermann wrote:
> come on folks, give it up! quit bitching at the guy just because his
> spacebar tweakes out..I mean it's not like his caps lock is broken,
> or hes shouting vile cuss words like some of you neanderthols. If you
> don't like this typing, don't read his posts. If you can wallow
> though my mispellings and dyslexic words I usually ramble out because
> I think faster than I type then a few missing spaces should be no
> sweat..or is it that people on this list are so mentally challeneged
> that it gives em headaches reading e-mails with missing spaces?
> and please show me a KB for 5-10$..cheapest wholesale I can get a
> 'decent' keyboard is like 12$ ..25$ for a really good quality one.
> Maybe the guy wants to eat lunch instead of please you with spaces,
> shit not all rocco owners may be overflowing with spare cash.
> give it a rest..whe'res the damn moderator when you need him.
> Ryan
> --
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