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--- Mark Madison <markie@proaxis.com> wrote:
> I've got an 85 GTI that is doing the strangest things.
> sometimes the car idle goes all over the place.
> it goes up to 2k at times and then other times it'll
> go to only 1.5k. Weird.. then go back down
> sometimes it does it for thirty seconds other times
> it doesn't do it all.
Your idle stabilizer valve is either clogged or broken. I can't remember
where it's located on an 8V - facing the motor, it's to the right of the
engine, I think - it's about 6 inches long, 2 inches in diamter with 2 large
hoses entering and exiting along with an electrical fitting. Remove it and
clean the insides with carb or brake cleaner to free-up the mechanism.
If that doesn't work, it's time to spend $200 @ the dealer.
Matthew Yip
'87 GTi 0v
'88 M5
'99 F350
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