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Re: Another Problem, engine he-he-he-he-he-sitation
Craig Moore wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who pointed me in the right directions concerning my
> reverse lights and cruise control problems.
> Now it seems I have another problem and this one could be a bit more
> serious. While driving home from work I stopped and put 5 bucks in the
> gas tank. The next day I noticed some hesitation. If I am
> accelerating its ok, when I let up on the gas it seems gas is not
> getting to the engine as it should, the engine begins to hesitate and
> buck. I thought the 5 bucks of gas might have some water in it so I
> put some STP fuel treatment in the tank and filled it up with high test
> (which I always use) Exxon gas. The 5 bucks was bought at a mom and
> pop type place. The STP and Exxon has not helped. One other thing I
> noticed was a clicking noise coming from one of the relays (I guess
> thats what they are) above the fuses. It sounded like the turn signal
> type noise. It would click twice, stop, wait about 30 sec's and click
> twice again. I have only noticed this once on my way to work.
> Any ideas?
> Please?
> Help?
> I'm driving 800 miles to Fla in two weeks. Mabye not?
>From all the answers I have received from this group, my limited experience
says it probably is the fuel pump relay.
I had the same symptoms, but I just checked all the electrical connections,
and nothing since.
I probably shouldn't say anything...I might jinx it!
My .02
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