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Re: Finally Bought a REAL car...
Most of you got the joke, but there were a few who responded with tears
in their eyes!
There were 3 people who responded that my 'new' car was 'FUGLY'. I
didn't know that that word was so popular...
The top 3 responses were:
3. My 8 year old thought it looked like a Transformer
2. Id rather walk than be seen in THAT.
1. You got that free with a bowl of soup, right?
Hahahahaha, I love that #1 answer...
That photo was taken from the RiceBoy Page, without permission, so Ill
take the page down.
Scirocco content: My company went out of business, so Im gonna go
outside and work on my Jetta. It looks like a scirocco, but taller,with
4 doors, and no hatch. Just like one.
Hooligan Content: I had 2 cute girls in a Civic pull up next to me at a
stop light and they pointed and laughed at my Hooloigan Racing sticker.
I could read their lips as they said it...hmmmppf!
Band content: Hey, we're playing in New Brunswick, NJ for the first time
in a long time. Go to http://www.spredhaus.com for more info! Oh wait,
you guys already knew that (shameless plug)
58 Type1 Ragtop
84 Jetta uGLi
>From: "Chris Chemidlin" <spredhaus@hotmail.com>
>Well guys,
>I've been saving a little$$$$ here and there, and I finally found a
>buyer for the uGLI and the 58 rag... I was sad to see them go, but I
>wanted to focus my attention on one vehicle, and have some AC and a
>nice ride to boot.
>So, after some soul searching, I finally picked up anew ride!
>This just might be the "MOST Hooligan" one yet!
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