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RE:Power Module on ebay
I have one of Brians modules on my car and I love it. I just thought I would pass my find on since the one on ebay is RPM sensing I think.
Thank You for Your Time,
Shannon Fenton
North American Frontline Resolution
Date: 4/2/99 9:55 AM
To: Fenton, Shannon
From: miller, jonas
if anyof you are thinking about theis Brian honnold of the list makes
them for about 35 bucks i am sending him money...i would rather pay the
35 bucks to him thelertnuespeed rip me off......just my thoughtson
Shannon Fenton wrote:
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=83368912
> > Thank You for Your Time,
> Shannon Fenton
> North American Frontline Resolution
> sfenton@telegroup.com
> > --
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