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Re: Spring has sprung! Got my first ticket!
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:13:09 -0500 "Jim Buck/BahnBurners!"
<vwpride@mixi.net> writes:
>Got the cabbie out for the first drive since winter. 58 in a 30.
>Money to burn...NOT!
>Jim Buck,
I got mine today.
Got caught doing 167 in a 45. I wasnt gonna stop for them since I had so
much momentum but they got them radios and that helicopter.
Im in jail now with my new husband, Bubba. See ya in 5 to 10.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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