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Re: Corrado Royalty
I have two roccos (luv em) and am looking for a Corroado SLC (the vr6 is sweet)
- ----------
> I just bought a Corrado SLC, and am now trying to sell my 'Rocco.
> Even though it literally makes me want to cry just thinking about having to
> sell it, it just needed too much continuous maintenance and still needed
> LOTS of attention cosmetically. I LOVE that car and the Scirocco Mk1 will
> always be my favorite VW.
> Aaron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan Schuermann <rts@nol.net>
> To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Date: Sunday, September 27, 1998 11:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Corrado Royalty
> Corrado? What Corrado? I don't own no steekin Corrado!
> I'll admit Corrados kick ass. The car is a work of art, and still
> looks more modern than most cars rolling off the assmebly line.
> If the C didn't cost 2x as much to upkeep as a S I'd pick the C
> anyday, but there's just something basically correct in thought;
> Why buy 1 C part when you can have 1 S part , and a spare!
> If VW had shaved off 500lbs, thrown security out the window and
> installed crappy air bags (which could be removed), THEN it would be
> a whole different story. The S is a great sports car, but if you have
> the money and the means, wouldn't you rather have your significant
> other driving in a C when the Crown Vic. T-bones her?? the C is a
> different class of car and most drivers of Cs are a different class
> of people, they buy it for the refinement, the modern features, the
> security, wheres we want to feel the road, be able to manhandle our
> roccos feel like were driving a f-18 hornet compared to leer jet.
> all different people drive all different VWs, yer gonna run into a
> few prudes in ever car, there just happens to be less Corrados, so it
> seems to happen more maybe?
> Ryan
> AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooo Aaaaaooooooooooooo...Our Sediments Exactly
> (passat commercial)..was just on TV heh
> > Ryan, as a Corrado owner...........we are not worthy..rightt!
> >
> > ----------
> > >
> > >
> > > I'd have to agree, as I'm one who now owns a Corrado. I think I'm one
> of
> > > the few that still waves at all the other VW's on the road. There's
> > > nothing better than striking up a conversation w/ a GTI or Scirocco
> owner
> > > who seems totally surprized to have me talkin' to them. I love asking
> what
> > > they've done to their car, etc, etc, etc...
> > >
> > > >From my experience, there just isn't that same comaradarie(sp?) among
> > > Corrado owners -- at autox's I've talked much greater lengths of time
> than
> > > I have w/ corrado owners. I know that "what the hell?" reaction all too
> > > well.
> > >
> > > Scirocco owners truly DO have a connection!
> > >
> > > Mr. Fenton can tell ya all about Corrado bone-heads, right Shannon? :)
> > >
> > > ~Christopher
> > >
> > > On Sat, 26 Sep 1998 EurotekVW@aol.com wrote:
> > >
> > > |Well, you see...the problem was right there in front of your eyes. He
> also
> > > |owns a CORRADO. I don't know what it is about that car, but all who own
> one
> > > |seem to think they are royalty or something. I mean there are some good
> ones
> > > |out there, but for the most part Corrado owners are a breed of their
> own.
> > > |Someone once told me that was the next progression of ownership for
> Scirocco
> > > |owners. Not me. I'll stick with my lightweight lil' rocco. I personally
> > > |wouldn't own a Corrado. That's my $0.02.
> > > |
> > > |Frank
> > > |
> > > |'82 8v
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