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Re: Junk Yard fun..
- Subject: Re: Junk Yard fun..
- From: Peter Walsh <cerksies@nbn.net>
- Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 23:41:04 -0400
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Instead of foam, get DynoMat to put under it. It looks cooler and does
just about the same thing. I think im gonna do this soon. Anyone know
where i can get that stuff???
SgtPeper wrote:
> I went down to my favorite junk yard here in chicago..I was going to
> get an A arm for my cabby (CAUSE IT SNAPPED WHILE I WAS DRIVING!!) and
> guess what I found at the yard?? An 84 black rocco!! It was really
> nice.. It was a wolfy with no leather or anything.. but it had a great
> body! So I finally found me a hood! I also grabbed the grill and all
> the pins..I love goin to junk yards though.. You never know what you
> will find..The guy is really nice and I was able to grab a lot of
> really cool small pieces for free and he only wanted 60 for the hood
> with free shipping! Well Im off to play with all the little toys I got
> and put em onto my baby!Also do any of you know if I can buy the foam
> under the hood after market? Cause they have to scrape it off to paint
> the whole thing red for me..Thanx-Jeff
> '87 Scirocco 16v
> '88 Cabriolet
> '88 Alfa Spider Quadrifoglio
> '67 Triumph 2000
> '71 Triumph GT6
> And a number of other toys as well!
- --
Peter "Cerksies" Walsh
'87 16V Red Rocco (240,000+ Miles!)
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Instead of foam, get DynoMat to put under it. It looks cooler and
does just about the same thing. I think im gonna do this soon.
Anyone know where i can get that stuff???
<P>SgtPeper wrote:
down to my favorite junk yard here in chicago..</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>I
was going to get an A arm for my cabby (CAUSE IT SNAPPED WHILE I WAS DRIVING!!)
and guess what I found at the yard?? An 84 black rocco!! It was really
nice.. It was a wolfy with no leather or anything.. but it had a great
body! So I finally found me a hood! I also grabbed the grill and all the
pins..</FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>I love goin to junk yards though.. You never
know what you will find..</FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>The guy is really nice and
I was able to grab a lot of really cool small pieces for free and he only
wanted 60 for the hood with free shipping! Well Im off to play with all
the little toys I got and put em onto my baby!</FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>Also
do any of you know if I can buy the foam under the hood after market? Cause
they have to scrape it off to paint the whole thing red for me..</FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>Thanx</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>-Jeff</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>'87 Scirocco 16v</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>'88 Cabriolet</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>'88 Alfa Spider Quadrifoglio</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>'67 Triumph 2000</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>'71 Triumph GT6</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>And a number of other toys as well!</FONT></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Peter "Cerksies" Walsh
<BR><A HREF="http://users.nbn.net/~cerksies">http://users.nbn.net/~cerksies</A>
<BR>'87 16V Red Rocco (240,000+ Miles!)
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- --
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