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for 924 engine in VW
- Subject: for 924 engine in VW
- From: glxtasy@juno.com (ken r weidmann jr.)
- Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 14:47:22 -0800
Here's the address from Rodelle in Hawaii with the 924 engine swap
Ken Weidmann Jr
Checkered Flag Automotive Components
95 Black Jetta GLX M3 wannabe
85 Show Scirocco
- --------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: "Delle B." <rodelle@hawaii.edu>
To: "ken r weidmann jr." <glxtasy@juno.com>
Subject: Re: [gti-vr6] Delle: please e-mail with address for 924 engine
in VW again
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 00:34:10 -1000
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.981029002614.22643A-100000@uhunix3>
Hey Ken,
Here goes:
Find out what happens when you cross a Golf with a Porsche 928S!
Damn clean engine bay! Speaking of "crossings"...have you checked out the
recent MaxPower. Some master technician from across the pond crossed an
Golf w/ a Corrado front end. It was a pretty _DISTINCT_ look that made me
think, "Why hasn't anyone else done this yet?" Atleast none that I've
on this side of the pond.
Well, I hope this helps your friend out.
Island VR6--Delle B.
"It doesn't matter who you know...what matters is who knows YOU."
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