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Re: Dashlights: change from green to amber? - easy!

- --WebTV-Mail-991053882-1173
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If you look at the cluster, it looks as though it is in two pieces.  At
the top, the two pieces are 'stamped' together, kinda like a plastic
spot weld.  You can break these 'welds' and take out the green strip.
The two pieces go back together and hold well without the 'welds'.  I
guess you  could put some kind of plastic adhesive on there if you
wanted.  Then you put in your painted bulbs or ones that are covered
with a bulb cover (which is what I have), put the rest of the cluster
together, reinstall it in the car and away you go with colored lights.

Grid & Stew

- --WebTV-Mail-991053882-1173
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