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Motor mount pressing (how to...)

Okay, for those of you who do not know how to do this, I will attempt to
put into words what I did.  

First I hex-sawed the old mount in two spots about one inch apart (this
makes it easier to take the old one out.  I then filed around the inside
edge of the mount housing.  I did this so that I would create a smooth
opening for  the mount to enter.  I then applied grease to both the housing
and the mount.  The final stage involved the use of a vice.  With the vice
I simply forced the mount in by putting one part of the mount in and
hitting the exposed part of the mount with a hammer.  Once in, simply
continue 'vicing'(for lack of a better word) around the mount.  That is,
put one part of the mount in the vice and squeeeeezeee.  Then remove the
mount and squeeeeeezeeeee at another end.  Contine doing this until
completely in.  Voila....motor mount pressing 101.  Thanks all and very
good night....


P.S- if any one has a better idea that's great.  This is how I managed to
get it in...if you have further questions please ask (no question is stupid
unless it's not asked - so they say@!#$?)

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