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Re: [mk1][cold start valve][help]
- Subject: Re: [mk1][cold start valve][help]
- From: "Wm. Josiah Erikson" <josiah@gsinet.net>
- Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 23:18:54 -0400
A. Bjorkheim wrote:
> > Ummm I think the thermo plug provides ground to the cold start valve, not power. This
> > is how I understand the cold start valve working:
> >
> This is true. But if you jumper the thermo to run the test for the
> cold start valve, as my Bentley says to, you are providing power to both
> wires to the valve, thereby turning it off.
I don't think so... ground runs through the thermo switch, so if you jump the thermo,
you'll be providing ground to the cold start injector, causing it to run when you provide
power to the other terminal.
> > Power is run to it through the starter solenoid wire, directly. So whenever the
> > starter is activated, 12v should appear at one terminal of the cold start valve.
> >
> And at the one terminal of the thermo plug.
You mean at one terminal of the cold start valve plug? Then yes.
> > Ground is run to the cold start valve through the time thermo switch, which is closed
> > (current runs through it) at low temperatures and open at high temperatures. This is
> > so that the cold start valve doesn't inject fuel when starting hot. Also, the time
> > thermo switch shuts off after you've run the starter for a certain amount of time, to
> > prevent flooding. Therefore, if you jumper the thermoswitch and run the starter, the
> > cold start valve should inject fuel... anyone have more to add?
> The problem is I think that if you jumper it the cold start will never
> inject. The Bentley says if the cold start works, you can test the cold
> start plug with a little light. If it is cold enough the light shoujld
> come on during starting and then fade out. Well, if you put a light on
> the terminals with the jumper on the thermo, you will have no difference
> in voltage, no light, and no fuel either, at least I think so =)
No you'd have power and ground, since ground runs through the thermo.
> I hope to run the test either later tonight or tomorrow morning. But
> i believe in order to run the test with the thermo out of the loop, you
> simpley need to ground the other wire of the thermo plub, the non red/blk
> stripe one. Green I think it is, at least for my car it is. I will let
> you know how it goes.
> Andre'
> Neon Green 79
I could be wrong of course : )
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