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- Subject: WIPEOUT... Doh!
- From: Francois St-Amand <fstamand@cmltech.com>
- Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 16:24:25 -0400
Was cruising along yesterday night (one of the first drives since 4 months
in the Rocco), with "used to be good" continentals 14" in the front, used
to the bone. I was to replace it today for some yokos 520As...
I was doing maybe 65k, and found myself in a curve, slipping, out of
control!! AARGH, the front body kit got ripped off (it's still good i
think), the side of the road was a big mountain of dirt, which my passenger
side hit very violently... That'll teach me to listen to some Death while
I was with a good friend who is a like Shawn Meze but owns a GTi... He saw
my front rim: it was in my fender! We decided to put the space saver, and
I got off home with no problems... He said, tomorrow, check your control
arm. So I did! Wow, ever seen a control arm G shaped? Well, I replaced
it alone (never did that before), and I replaced my "original rivited
ball-joint-after-250 clicks"... Now it runs ok, but it wasn't fun at all -
took 3 hours. I had to drill holes for the sway bar.
The control arm cost me 20$ (CND) , but I got it myself (so that I can do
it on my car after :-) ... Try to top that price!
Well anyone else got reckless accidents?
85 Rocco...
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