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Re: Hey Guys... [Gauge faces]
> Hey Jason, could you also check on some white gauge faces for a 16-valve
> scirocco? Not sure what 140mph will equal to in kilometers. I heard that
> they are real cheap in Germany because everyone has them. Thanks bro.
> Gerry
(I hope I don't get flamed for commercialism...)
I'm not totally ready for prime time yet because I haven't yet put up the
web pages, but I have spent some time making laser quality colored gauge
faces for VWs. I already mailed Gerry about this, and I'll be answering
your specific questions in another email. Anway, I have the following
colored gauge face applications ready today:
-Scirocco MK1, 85mph & 100mph clusters, 7 grand tach
-Scirocco MK2 (and other VWs) 120mph, 140mph, & 160mph clusters with any
combination of with or without upshift light, 7 or 8 grand tach, and
warning lights.
The MK2 Scirocco guage style (especially non-upshift) was used in many
other VWs, ask me about possibly fitments for other cars.
The 'stock' colors are white (of course), yellow, light grey, and orange.
They all have black text, with red and/or yellow warning zones.
I can make up any other combination of text
styles and colors. I can also add any background graphics you might want.
These are semi-gloss ahesive gauges with permanent glue, you'll destroy them
trying to take this material off. But that's a good thing! I've done
two conversions already and they're holding up perfectly. Here's the
rub: you cut them out. I'll print them onto 8.5x11 sheets, and you
with a sharp razor and scissors go at it. Can you follow a curve? You'll
have no problem, most of edges are hidden behind bezels anyway.
"How much?!" I hear you cry.
For this list: $30 + $10 for any color or style alterations get's
you a full set of uncut gauges. I will cut them for $60, but
I strongly suggest that you do it. Why? Because you won't
get the sticker on *exactly* correct, and the odometer or some other hole
won't be lined up. That's why I make the gauges every so slightly oversized,
and undersize the hole marks. That way you apply the face, then use the
actual metal gauge face as a guide for your nice razor blade. You'll be
much happier. Just pin hole the corners and cut the straight edges. As far
as the round holes go, I've found that a leather punch works very well, a
$9 tool from my local home improvement store.
I'll be posting web pages concerning this asap, I'm not done designing the
web pages but Gerrys question seemed like a good as time as any.
I'll be asking $40 on my web page, and $15 for alterations and different
colors, but all you list members get a break. I'll be offering similar
discounts at any shows I go to, but I'll be limited to what ever styles
and colors I bring (or have left), so keep that in mind. If you want to
catch up with me then, I plan on attending Manassas (Bug Out), Waterfest,
Toronto (Bug Bust?), and Volktoberfest. I'll email anyone who asks a
small picture of what the output looks like...
I'm in the process of doing early model Rabbit/Cabrio sets, late model
Passat/Corrado sets, and secondary gauges like oil pressure/temp/volts.
Thanks for your time, please feel free to ask any questions you'd like.
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