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- To: kondor77@hotmail.com
- Subject: Fwd: SAD 16VALVE :(
- From: Doolbnroht@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 23:32:19 EST
In a message dated 12/30/98 10:49:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, Doolbnroht writes: << discover-net.ne >>
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- To: zach@discover-net.net
- Subject: Re: SAD 16VALVE :(
- From: Doolbnroht@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 22:49:14 EST
ok... the cat. produces sulfurtrioxide (SO3) as a by-product. when combined with ozone (O3), they combine and form oxegen (O2<a diatomic element>) and sulfurdioxide(SO2). when combined with water, sulfurdioxide forms acid rain. it might not be a problem where you live, but i live in the appalachin mountains. it kills all the trees and makes everything generally ugly, but still kinda cool. oh well. later man -alan