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Aren't I a lucky fuck?
Hi guys,
Maybe there's a happy ending to my sad story. The parts guy at my
local VW dealer just stopped by my house (is this service or what?)
and said he found two front license plate "plates" that were used on
showroom cars. One says "Scirocco" and the other says "Scirocco 16V".
So, I need a creative way to figure out who should get the 16V plate.
I'm going to keep the "Scirocco" plate for myself, but I don't have
any use for the other ... so be creative, people, and let's figure
out some sort of battle-of-the-Titans for this plate.
-- Michael Helms
'81 Scirocco - the fixer-upper
'86 Scirocco - the daily driver
Web Site: http://www.continuum.org/helms
"If you don't believe your country should come before yourself, you
can better serve your country by living somewhere else." - Dr.
Stompin' Tom Connors
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