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Re: [TECH] Autocross setup
First autox... I say go with what tires you like. Doubtfull that you
would notice the difference between those tires.
David Ruby wrote:
> Hello Listers.
> I am beginning to gear up for my first ever Autocross (Oakland, CA;
> Jan. 31). I am seeking good advice from the seasoned autocrossers
> among us. I'll be using my '86 8v, which has the Boge/Hor suspension
> setup, and virtually no other mods. By the time of the race, it
> should also have a short shift kit, too.
> I guess my specific question (other than general advice which one
> might overlook) is this: I have two sets of wheels for the car:
> 13x5.5" factory 7-spokes with 205-60HR 13 Continental CH51's
> 14x6 factory "Mk1 GTI" wheels with 195-60HR 14 Bridgestone RE92's
> Which would be the best set to use? Both have virtually full tread.
> I would surmise that the 13" set is marginally lighter (or has less
> rotating mass), so the car might accelerate more quickly. The 14's,
> however, feel like they corner with more ultimate adhesion, and
> without strut hop. Any thoughts?
> My goal, other than adding the experience of running a full autocross
> season this next year, is having fun without breaking the bank or the
> car. Also, if I can beat my buddy with the Celica GTS, all the
> better!
> TIA for the thoughts,
> Dave
> '86 8v
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