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Re: front end mystery
bring it to my house so can I drive it! :)
Well what specs did the alignment monkey set it to? he should know how to
get the steering wheel straight if he has half a brain. The only reason it
wouldn't be possible is if your car has the non-adjustable left tie rod-end
which I think VW should've dropped before the 16v's! If it's the
non-adjustable one you should get an adjustable 'upgrade' tie rod end and
get it realigned. Tell them you want a print out of the specs when they are
on a long shot(dont think it'll affect your situation, but..), check the
steering rack boots. After I installed 2 new tie rods and new boots, I got
it aligned and the monkey didn't remove the boots when he cranked the rods
down... It had to be turned a lot cuz the alignment was way off and it the
boots binded up like crazy. The boots were so twisted that i couldn't even
come close to full-lock turning right. the steering felt real funny too..
very dangerous. I took it home and straightened the boots out, then called
the idiot's manager to complain. The boots were ripped a bit (i cant
believe the weren't torn apart with how many twists were in them!) and he
offered to replace them, but there's NO WAY i'm letting those fucks near my
car again. Havn't been to a garage since...
At 12:07 AM 12/24/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Looking for any theories anybody might have...
>I just got my car back from the Potterman. Over the last 4 months, virtually
>EVERY wear item in the suspension has been replaced: new Bilstein Sports all
>around, new Neuspeed bars f&r, new tie rods, new ball joints, new control
>arms, new rear axle bushings, new strut bearings, new H&R springs. Doesn't
>leave much (if anything!), other than maybe something in the steering, which
>always felt fine before I started replacing all this stuff.
>Now that I have it back (last piece of the puzzle just done was the Bilsteins
>and bars, other stuff was already on there) the suspension feels AWESOME, but
>I now have a nasty wander in the front end. I took it in to have it aligned,
>the dude came back from test driving it and said that "it's gonna pull to the
>right" and that there's nothing he could do about it, nor did he have any
>what might be causing it. He swapped the tires around and that made no
>difference. So I drove off, and didn't find that it was pulling either way,
>first. But it WAS very squirrely - it would want to veer in either
>kinda on its own. It will even do this at VERY low speeds, like sub-5mph in
>parking lots.. the wheel just kinda tugs you over towards one side or
>another. On the freeway it feels pretty good, in fact you can let go of
>the wheel and it generally stays pretty much on course.
>I am putting new SP8000s on it next week - just ordered them today. BTW, as
>a side note, I was informed by America's Tire (retail arm of Discount Tire
>Direct) that there are grand total of *8* of them in 195/50/15 left in the
>country (which he said after getting off the phone with Dunlop, NOT his own
>warehouse), and I just got half of 'em. Apparently the rumors of the
>demise are true - it's being dropped in favor of a new 6000-series tire. I
>have no idea if the tires will make any difference. It now has P700Zs on
>it, which are in decent, evenly-worn shape in the front, though one of the
>rears is more worn than the other (at least one was replaced as a single due
>to a blowout by previous owner). Anybody have any theories what could be
>causing this? Steering rack? Some other mechanical item I didn't mention
>that could be going bad??? It's SO close to perfection now, I just need
>to get it tracking true and I'll be cookin' with Crisco!! Any ideas most
>appreciated.. Potterman is stumped at the moment. Any of you SoCal boyz
>are welcome to take it for a spin....
>Kevin Collins
>Huntington Beach, CA
>'86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0
>'97 GTI VR6
Kevin Fry roccin '81 S 1.8
"You are what you drive- Buick Riviera: I like to make a statement by
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