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Of the breed
>I echo and applaud your statements. Sometimes, however, you do find a
>in the rough. My 87 16v cost me just under $3000. I drove to PA
(twice, once
>to look at it and once to drive it home, I live in Michigan). I
remember my
>fiance telling me, as we were approaching the location, "Don't act
>Just act cool and cold." Then when she saw the car, exclaimed, "Oh my
>There it is! Look at that thing!" It was in pretty much mint
condition. I
>have since invested a bit of $$$ on performance and athstetic mods, but
>manage to save a bunch by buying good used parts. It is irritating
when the
>car 'acts up', and I know others (who just don't understand) are
>saying "Why?" But the fact of the matter is, we buy these cars because
>love every aspect about them: driving them, working on them, improving
>and of course, the looks we get while driving them. We are willing to
put up
>with a little inconvenience because we love these cars so much. It
makes it
>all worth it when driving along, you get all sorts of looks and
>Scirocco owners are a different and unique breed. No one quite
>us, except, of course, ourselves and our brethren.
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Damn straight. Same problem here. Four sciroccos and people shake their
heads when they think I'm not looking. Every time I pass one of those
increasingly rare Sciroccos, the other driver looks over at me and gives
me the thumbs up.
Jorel Jackson
'77, '79, '84 and '85 Sciroccos!
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