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[random] spotted scirocco on Seinfeld!
My reflexes are getting quicker, apparently...
Tonight, I was watching a Seinfeld episode.. the one where George has
that weird doll that looks like his mother, and Elaine has a poster of
the three tenors signed by one of them.
Anywho, about 20 minutes into the episode, as Elaine exits from
somewhere onto the street, I spot the rear end of a maroon Mk1 Scirocco
in the foreground parked at the side of the road.
Of course, all my friends looked at me like I was nuts when I blurted
out: "SCIROCCO!"
They still can't understand why I am the way I am over them. Hmm. I
can't even explain it...
'81 Scirocco that's looking for a 16v engine
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