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Re: was ( ) now tires
> If I'm not mistaken, those Audi rims have something like a 45mm offset,
> which means you will probably be severely limited by clearance problems,
> since these rims would much closer to the spring/strut assembly than the
> stock 38mm offset.
Those Audi wheels came in three different offsets I believe. Also a 5 lug
that came on the quattros. The ones I have are the stock offset and I've
had no problems with them. YRMV.
Greg Faust
85 Mazda RX7 -
86 Jetta Deluxe 2dr -
87 GLi -
88 Scirocco 16v -(206k miles and counting)
> Whats the widest tire I can fit on a set of audi GT 14" rims? Anyone
> know?
> That'd be a 6" rim. 205 would be the widest. 195 is a better idea IMHO.
> later,
> Greg Faust
> 85 Mazda RX7
> 86 Jetta Deluxe 2dr
> 87 GLi
> 88 Scirocco 16v
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