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Re: Questions from a new guy
As for the nozzles not working, take the rubber hose that connects to the
underneath of each nozzle off and pull the stalk to pump the fluid, see if
anything comes out, if it comes flying out then yes check the nozzles, use a
sewing needle or pin in the nozzle to scrape away any crap, or just go buy a
couple of nozzles if that doesn't work. If nothing comes squirting out I'd
pick up another pump from either Potterman (www.parts4vws.com) or Mark
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Crossley <jcrossley@home.com>
To: Scirocco List <scirocco-L@scirocco.org>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 10:26 PM
Subject: Questions from a new guy
>3) Along the same line, NONE of my windshield washer nozzles work... I get
>trickle out of the front one that just runs all over the hood and makes a
>mess, but that's about all... Maybe the nozzles are clogged or something?
> I've got a ton of other questions, but I'll save 'em for another day..
>:) ... Thanks for your time, and sorry if these questions have been asked
>1,000,000 times before...
>(another one)
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