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Re: [Tech] 100mph speedo conversion
I have a white one i'm pretty sure. i've never changed it, i've got a stock
FF tranny. i got the speedo out of a 78 or 79 rocco. Did't all the Mk1
roccos have 3.89 or 3.94 finals?? then as long as you didn't swap the
tranny the 85 or the 100 should work in any mk1
At 08:42 AM 12/10/98 -0500, you wrote:
>This is important: what tranny do you have?
>Depending on the tranny, your speedo gear (on the end of the cable that
>goes to the tranny) may be wrong:
> be sure you have the correct gear on the end of the cable in the
>trans. the red gears have 15 teeth & are used for 3.67 Final drives,
>the white ones have 16 teeth & are for 3.89 & 3.94 finals, & the
>green ones are 17 teeth 7 are for a 4.25 final drive.
>[courtesy of the Potterman]
>Mark . . . (THINK VW)
>Scirocco 1982, Golf GT 1987
>Previous Sciroccos: 1981S (RIP), 1980S, 1975TS, 1975
Kevin Fry .:. 81 Scirocco S JH -- turbo soon to come!
San Diego, CA
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