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RE: '83 VS. '84 GTI...Differences?
Right on!
Mark . . . (THINK VW)
Scirocco 1982, Golf GT 1987
Previous Sciroccos: 1981S (RIP), 1980S, 1975TS, 1975
--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Coracini <Coracin@usdl.com>
To: "'Wm. Josiah Erikson'" <josiah@gsinet.net>
Cc: "'Scirocco List'" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Subject: RE: '83 VS. '84 GTI...Differences?
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:27:56 -0500
i'm going on knowledge i got from the VW parts guy and the bentley
manual. the air shrouds are the things on the injectors. the bakolite
tubes in the heads are called "lower inserts". on mine (maybe 8V's are
different), i have brass upper inserts. remove those and there are the
bakolite lower inserts. when you go ask for injectors, you ask for
either air-shrouded or non-air-shrouded. what you get is one with or
without the little tin crowned O-ring thingy on the end. we are all
talking about the same thing, we are just using different terms for 'em.
86 16V scirocco
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