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Re: mechanics
Just like the rest of you guys, I try to brave the mechanic-ing myself, too.
The peace of mind you get knowing the actual status of your repair job is
well worth the greasy nails and time spent, plus one actually learns a thing
or two. On the rare occasions that I have not done the maintenance myself,
I have gotten burnt (and even almost killed, once!): Once, I took my 8v in
to a local "specialist" for the installation of sport springs and shocks.
He took the liberty of stealing my steering rack, swapping it for the
decrepit one from his '80 Rabbit. He also broke the driver's seat mechanism
by lifting the car from beneath the seat (!!), and also broke the driver's
door lock mechanism. Once I started ranting about these problems, he
basically said "you can't prove anything," and locked himself in his shop.
The other time--the time I almost got killed--another shop, after performing
a CV boot job, forgot to put the bolt which keeps the A-arm attached to the
bottom of the strut. I discovered this when the right front suspension came
adrift--seconds after I was traveling at about 60 mph over a railway
crossing. Fortunately, nobody got hurt.
Nowadays, I save the $70/hour money normally spent on incompetence towards
nice tools for myself to get the job done right.
'86 8v, '79 Golf Diesel, '84 Nissan 4x4, '66 Corvair Corsa Turbo, etc
-----Original Message-----
From: mozg <Christopher.Bodenlos@Colorado.EDU>
To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Date: Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 1998 22:36
Subject: Re: mechanics
> I try to do everything I can on my own, the only exception so far
>has been my suspension (back in the day). What could be better than
>bloody knuckles and an unequaled opportunity to bond with the object of
>your unconditional love?
>On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, A. Bjorkheim wrote:
>> Just curious, how many of you do your own work on your Rocs? I dont
>> know about the rest of you, but I am paranoid of giving my car to anyone
>> to work on it. Please tell me I am not alone, heheh =) Plus, when I
>> do the work I know that nuts and bolts werent left out. Sorry for the
>> off topic post, I just started wondering why people with cars they deeply
>> care about are quick to let other people work on them.
>> Andre'
>> Neon Green 79
>> --
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