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Re: Driving cars hard (high rpm's)

Yes, but is it not true that most engine wear occurs immediately after
starting and during the critical warmup phase?

Mark . . .
Scirocco 1982, Golf GT 1987
Scirocco 1978 (Kristen's)
Previous Sciroccos: 1981S (RIP), 1980S, 1975TS, 1975
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From: "scott hand" <vidahand@earthlink.net>
To: "Scirocco" <scirocco-L@scirocco.org>
Subject: Re: Driving cars hard (high rpm's)
Date: 25 Aug 98 12:26:40 -0400
Message-ID: <B2085E06-42669@>

On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 9:44 AM, Mark A Peele <mailto:scirocco.gtx@juno.com>
>I don't think of using the full range of a motor is "driving hard". The
>1.5-1.6 motors real power band is 4K-6K anyway. What's wrong with using
>your motor? It was designed to operate in a specific range. Personally,
>think it is wrong to drive your car gingerly. When I want power, I
>the motor to deliver it and fast! I never have shrunk back from taking
>motor to 6K; damn, the peak HP on most of the 8V motors is 5500 rpm . .
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