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Re: There is nothing wrong with Hondas
- Subject: Re: There is nothing wrong with Hondas
- From: "Jerry Daugherty" <jdaugher@cyberramp.net>
- Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 09:16:19 -0500
Me too!! ;-)
Jerry Daugherty
87 8v
-----Original Message-----
From: lerb <lerb@redrose.net>
To: stoopid kid <stoopid@idirect.com>
Cc: Scirocco List <scirocco-L@scirocco.org>
Date: Saturday, August 01, 1998 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: There is nothing wrong with Hondas
>Drink anothers all i say....either that or grow up...as everyone has said
>before (including probably one of your sobbing replies had said before)
>Everyone can say what they want to on this list...No one can say ya
>can't....have a problem with someone take it private....how many times does
>this have to be asked before you guys understand this....are you that
>to believe everyone in this world has to think as you do,do as you and be
>right like you?.....Common quit being so lame and get your head out of your
>ass....I would rather see 10 "Me toos" than see one person sit there and
>tell another person what they are to type on here....as far as I am
>concerned there is one person who has the right to say anything to you
>your posts and that Kevin anyone else can kisss my ass about whatever I
>post...U don't like it.....not my fault.......as a matter of fact being the
>person I am I would rather ya woudn't....then again thats just my .02
>cents.....See my e-mail??? Like me to help ya set up a filter?....
>BTW did you get beat by a Honda lately or what the hell made you so pissed
>off? Talk to that girl of yours.......ooops maybe thats the problem....
>P.S. Thats a mighty interesting nick/e-mail address ya got there!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: stoopid kid <stoopid@idirect.com>
>To: Wm. Josiah Erikson <josiah@gsinet.net>
>Cc: Scirocco List <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Date: Saturday, August 01, 1998 12:30 AM
>Subject: Re: There is nothing wrong with Hondas
>> hey joisah, what's the fucking deal, man? why do you have to
>>reply to absolutely every single goddamn message that is posted to the
>>list? i've probably deleted about 100 messages from you alone in the past
>>couple of days...i used to read them, until i kept seeing "yeah, me too"
>>or "you know, hondas sure are great cars". now i just delete thm before i
>>give them a chance. this particular time i gave it a chance...and it was
>>the straw that snapped the camel's back. the honda vs. dub thread is so
>>done it's not funny, but i see the same thoughts being regurgitated here.
>>this isn't the only thing, mind you. the thing that really gets on my
>>fucking tits are the "Me, too!" replies. what's up with that? is it
>>necessary? is it really so important that you throw that out into our
>>mailboxes? maybe someone will agree with you too, and you can talk about
>>some, i dunno...all i know is that you piss me off with you lame-ass
>>rantings! i suppose that your opinion is at times a valued one, but it
>>finds its way into too many topics. so give it a rest, willya?
>> I'm interested to see what kind of reactions/flames/support/
>>threats i get from everybody.
>> good night.
>>that rat bastard
>>> They're great cars. Enough said. Yes, they have no character, and
>>> little tin boxes, yadda yadda yadda, but they are incredibly well
>>> They are more reliable than our VW's by a long shot, too...
>>> But I drive a VW, not a Honda. That says something, doesn't it? (And I'm
>>> planning on switching, ever)
>>> Just bothers me to see Hondas get trashed on all the time. Maybe lame
>>> drive them a lot, but they're good cars.
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