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Re: scirocco parts/cars listed

On Fri, 26 Sep 1997 15:21:48 -0400 "Brubaker, John" <JBrubaker@AMF.com>
>Shawn wrote:
>OOhhhh maaan.... You should of seen what I had to do to come up with the
>$50 for the turn signals! $200 may as well be $2000 at this point in 
>the game. 
>I'd be interested in knowing what you had to do for your beloved car.
>80 Scirocco S

Well John, I had to sell a pint of blood (Julie said it hurt too!) . Not
eat for 2 weeks. Prostituted my son at the local girls Catholic school.
(He hated that, im sure.) dug up all the change out of my cars and behind
the dresser and anywhere else a penny might be hiding. Oh, and the last
bit needed to total the $50 was a donation I got from my web page!
Now I got the slickest looking turn signals around and in a week or two,
I will be well enough to drive it again, after I get strong enough to
walk you know, from not eating.....  :)

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!

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