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Re: Throttle Body Hell (Thank You All)
On Sun, 31 Aug 1997 20:32:56 -0600 Ryan Bailey
<RBAILEY.ORE-IDA.WNET.COM@worldnet.att.net> writes:
>I want to thank everyone that gave me suggestions on removing
>that bloody bolt. I ended up drilling the head of the bolt with a
>large drill bit, and then pounded the head off with a hammer in small
>after cuting across the head with a hack saw.
Cool, as long as you got it done and it wasn't Josh's method! :)-
>it, what this is for I don't care but after I started the car it
>wouldn't idle. After plugging the hole with, dare I say, duct tape
>the RPMs went up.
Tape is a fine temp fix. Just get a short piece of hose and cap it on one
end. I think I used 5/8" heater hose to cap mine with. don't quote me on
that I hay have used the stock hose that was on it and trimmed it to
size. I don't remember. (duh)
>The car right now is idles at 2000 RPM. It is way to
>high but I'm kind of tired to play with that now. I should have
>learned how to adjust the idle before I started this marathon, Doh!
Anyway at
>least the car starts, I must have done something right.
Its easy, just look at the back side of the TB (Where you put the tape on
it) and to the right should be a protrusion. Inside is either a bolt or a
screw. That is where you adjust the idle at. Mine is from an 86 GTi and
it should be the same. Mine has a flat tip screw inside and I use a short
flat tip bit with a 8mm wrench to turn the screw. its really easy just
kinda tight back there. I think I can swap out my older "bolt" style
adjuster screw. If so, I will make the swap just so its easier to adjust
> To answer Shawn's question I have not put the exhuast manifold
>on yet. I need to clean it up a little before I put it on the ports
>have some crud in them. I also need to buy the downpipe so if anyone
>has some suggestions on which ones are best throw them my way. New
>Dimensions has the techtronics one for $134.00 I think. Does anyone
>know what the difference between this one and the Autotech one is?
Does your manifold have the ox sensor hole? If not, then get yourself an
Eurosport downpipe. I don't think they cost as much as what you've
listed. Give them a call.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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