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Re: Fuel filters...

On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, SHAWN C MEZE wrote:

Thanks everyone for the advise, info on the fuel accumulator!

> Say, get a P/N from the ole one and I can look up the price that the
> dealer wants for one!

You ready for this?  $225!!!!

Went to my local parts place(they give me wholesale) got the exact same
part(Bosch) for $110....man that hurt, hope this new one dosen't start to

> As far as the fuel pump fuse blowing on you, that could be from the pump
> being really hot, high resistance in the fuel pressure system (Clogged or
> kinked fuel lines) or the sigh of a dying fuel pump. 
> You still have that donor car, right? Since you know you have a kinked
> fuel line, why not replace it? it will take all of 5 minutes you know. It
> probably wont fix or help the problem, but  at least you will have peace
> of mind that the fuel lines are clear.
> HTH!

If I had the time, I would....maybe I'll try to on friday 

Thanks again everybody!


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