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I got beat last night by some nissan 240sx last night, doh. But I must
admit, it is still a lot of fun to see how you can do against the person
nexta you. I know where that urge to drop 300 HP into a rocco comes from!
In the short time I've had my 8v rocco, I've had my fun. One night, in the
dark this guy in a taurus was eyeing me. "no problem" I thought...yeah,
until I saw the SHO on his rear bumper. DOH!
On the more positive side I smoked this post 93 bonneville on the
interstate. This frat boy (car had 1 too many stickers on it!) passed me
and hit the brakes in front of me to make it onto an offramp I was turning
onto. Well, needless to say it was pretty easy to stick w/ him on the
offramp after reaching what was clearly his top turning speed. ;-)
The I dropped it into third and whipped around him as soon as the ramp
opened up onto the interstate. Well, guess what happened?? Next exit, HE
DOES THE SAME THING. Comes up behind me, passes and hits the brakes to
make the ramp we're both trying to leave on!
By this time we're almost home, and there's this great stretch of upward
4-lane road w/ a media down the middle which winds back and forth as it
makes a slight climb. I'm just begging that he turns onto this road, and
luck was with me. :) He tried to stay ahead of me, but just couldn't
handle the turns. I remember quite a bit of tire squealing on my part. By
the end of the road he was just a glimmer in my side-view mirror. Why?
Cause my rear-view mirror fell off a week before! Ha!
The BEST part of the story was when I pulled up at my apartment and
woke up my girlfriend in the passenger seat who had slept through the
whole thing! She said she remembers dreaming about being aboard a ship in
a storm.
What a good night!
ps. Thanks fer listenin'!
-- --
Christopher Mende ICEMT O: 515-294-6738
www.icemt.iastate.edu @ F: 515-294-5531
bayern.me.iastate.edu Iowa State Univ H: 515-294-6658
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