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Re: Need Help From the Experts (Shawn, Andy) or Anyone Else

On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 20:32:37 -0800 "Smokinn"
<smokinn@crestview.sbceo.k12.ca.us> writes:
>I have been working on this guys 88 Scirocco 16v.  Before I tear this
>engine down needlessly, has anyone ever come across a tapping at high

Yes I did once. It was rod knock. Spun a bearing he next day. 

>More noticeable around 3K, with the engine under a heavy load.  Doesn't
>really sound like a knock.  I was thinking it was his timing.  Checked
>fine though.  

When it knocks under load, to me its almost always got to be the KS
system. Are you sure everything is working right?? Just because the
timming is set perfectly doesn't mean the KS system is working. Be sure
to look into that. 
Now, if it tapped at high rpm under any throttle position, then it would
be low oil pressure to the lifters. If its rod knock, you would know
because it sounds like the bottom end is comming apart. (Because it IS!) 

>Car runs great, except for difficult hot starts he complains
>about, not immediately after he shuts the engine down, but maybe an hour
>two later.  (Control pressure regulator maybe?)  Shawn.......need help
>this one guys before I ask this guy to cough up some big bucks to have
>engine rebuilt.

Its not the engine that is at fault here, IMHO. I think its the related
components that are the problem. It sounds like the hot/warm start
problem could be caused by the fuel accumulator is my first guess. Theres
alot to check on the fuel system. Id say your just gonna have to check
each item and rule them all out before doing anything drastic like an
engine tear down.
Check all the electrical connections, make sure they're good ect. Check
for good grounds ect. 

Mike told me to replace my Knock sensor on my GLi because the wire was a
little frayed. He said if they are damaged at all they dont perform like
they should. So if the knock sensor wire is frayed or damaged even a
little bit, it might be a good idea to replace it. (I did.)

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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