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Re: Cooling fan problems (again)

On Fri, 16 May 1997 14:15:41 -0700 Tim Ebling <tim@surrealsoft.com>
>Well after I replaced my cooling fan thermoswitch, I thought my
>fan problems were solved.  After going for a quick highway test
>drive and returning, I left the car idling until the temp needle swung
>to the 3/4 position, at which point the fan came on.  Woohoo,
>problem solved.  Or so I thought...
>Over the last week my car has overheated 3 times, and every time I
>checked the fan and it's not running.  I'm going to clean the contacts
>to the thermoswitch this weekend but I'm wondering if there are other
>possible culprits.  If my thermostat was failing would it also cause
>the fan not to come on?
>'88 16v Tornado Red

Classic thermostat symptoms in my opinion.  2nd guess in a bad pressure
If the thermostat is "sticky" and does not open properly, then the hot
coolant won't circulate to the fan switch.  If pressure cap is bad, then
the boiling point drops and will allow steam pockets to develop in the

If it overheats sometimes, but is fine other times, is almost guaranteed
to be the thermostat.  Replace the 'stat O-ring at the same time for good

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