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Mike and Rocky,
I hope you to are very happy with each other. Did the Gti leave you or are it
and Rocky seeing eachother now:) I am starting to worry about You! Is everything
OKAY:) I hope to one day have a greater appreciation for my car but I think I
will fall a little short of YOUR appreciation of your cars.
I have not written to the list in a while so this is my contribution for the
week. Sad isn't it! I don't have my car yet so I cannot write and ask billions
of questions or offer experiencial advice. I do LO... LOV... like these cars
see ya,
David Nichols
San Diego, CA (The best city in the world)
----- Begin Included Message -----
>From owner-scirocco-l@mantis.privatei.com Fri May 16 13:13:10 1997
From: tudor@tvo.org
>From: tudor@tvo.org (Michael Helms)
Reply-To: tudor@tvo.org
To: scirocco-l@privatei.com
Cc: AutoTalk@tvo.org
Subject: Yucccccccck...
Date: 16 May 1997 20:55:30 GMT
Organization: TVOntario's Online System
Content-Type: text
Sender: owner-scirocco-l@mantis.privatei.com
Content-Length: 824
Aw man, I feel like a traitor now. (and no, I did not go out and drive a
Honda; it's not THAT bad. =)
I just got my issue of 'Volkswagen Driver' in the mail today. Yep, that
little publication from the States that is basically advertising to fanatics
like us. Anyways, my letter to the editor is in there, praising the merits
of my old Golf diesel.
I mean, I _loved_ that car! I thought I would never part with it; I figured
they'd enshrine it someday because it had finally reached ten million miles.
*sigh* I love my 'rocco, but there's always a place in my heart for that old
sewing machine.
-- Mike and 'Rocky, the happiest 'rocco in all of Southern Ontario
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