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Bolt found!
- To: scirocco-l@privatei.com
- Subject: Bolt found!
- From: "Ryan Schuermann" <rts@phoenix.net>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 13:34:47 +0000
- Comments: Authenticated sender is <rts@mail.phoenix.net>
- Organization: RTSystems
- Priority: normal
- Reply-to: rts@phoenix.net
- Sender: owner-scirocco-l
hhe i guess the VW fairy was with me...i pulled out my trusty
2foot extender bolt grabber and dived into the hole..first try i
retrieved that bolt! ya! now..the final test is to see if my car
starts now that i got the dist al lback together and back on
the car, thanks all for your help.
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