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Re: Check your spark plugs!
Steve Tompkins wrote:
> > So I peeked around the engine bay and found that the heat stuff on
> the inside
> > of my hood was singed in a spot. I also had a small dent in my
> hood! AND my
> > spark plug wire in #2 cyl. was loose. AND the plug was totally out!
> >
> > _W_T_F_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >
> > I shot my spark plug out of my cyl head!!!!!
> >
> > After inspecting the threads, it appears that it slowly backed out,
> and when
> > it was on the last thread, it shot out. So fortunately, no threads
> in the
> > head were damaged. Although the same plug wouldn't go back in, a
> brand new
> > one fit in just fine. Whew!
> >
> > The last time I did my plugs was this time last year (@ 4k miles
> ago). And I
> > torqued them down to factory specs. So apparently it backed out on
> its own.
> >
> >
> > Moral of the story: Although I've never heard of this happening
> before, it
> > might not hurt to check up on them from time to time when you're
> fooling
> > around in there.
Maybe it isn't as uncommon as you think. I also had a spark plug blown
out of my first '84 GTI. I couldn't belive it either the car was running
like total shit when I opened the hood there was a spark plug dangling.
Only in my case it stripped threads in the head. The spark plug could be
pushed in all the way with out any resistance at all.
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