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Am I Crazy??
I currently own 2 VW cabriolet (88 and an 83) plus I own a 1979 Beelte
convertible... Now I am buying am '87 Scirocco 16v with everything even
modifications like for the suspention exhaust and shifting linkage.. (only
payed $1000 for it!)
Heres the problem
I can only keep one of these cars for myself.
I have decided on the Scirocco but feel sorry to see my $225 Beetle go
away.. The Scirocco is beautiful red with nothing wrong with it and has
leather and an awesome stero and alarm that raises the windoes and locks
the doors and has a sunroof...
The Beetle is unperfect needing a floor engine work but is a solid car
that will run for wver once i get the fuel punp replaced. The Beetle is a
convertible which makes it hard to decide between a beet up classic or the
powerful 16v newer beauty..
Am I crazy?
What do ytou guys think?
Also how dependable is the 16v engine in 87? I have owned many before but
have never kept them for more than a few months..
PLEASE write back
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